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Rest in Peace Dr Charles Stanley

Rest in Peace Dr Charles Stanley

Tears were flowing, memories were relived, and people paid their respects. The beautiful flower arrangements were a small testament of God’s creation. Red rose bouquets lay upon the rich mahagony casket. It was a moment that took my breath away. A very nice touch to the man that has passed from this life into the next. Continue reading

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A note from FaithDream

  • Inspiration can be found in many ways:  In words strung together to create a perfect blend of pictures, a writer inspires readers through the use of tension and imagination.  In the arts, with designs of visual beauty, inspiration intended by the artist is seen through their works.  In music heard over blended harmonies of instruments and vocals, inspiration is felt by the rhythms of the muse.   Inspiration is all around us. In the beauty of nature and the works of God’s hands, nature captivates all its wondrous glory. The sound of a songbird singing outside a window can inspire. The visual works in photography and exemplified in movies can inspire one to dream. If we look deep enough into the eyes of a child, we can see the inspiration of wonder. If we gaze at the love of our lives, we can feel the inspiration beating in our hearts. We don’t have to be distracted by the tensions of this world to cause us to lose our sense of wonder. We can be inspired in our heart, our soul and our mind. Inspiration is where one finds it. In the corners of our mind, in the dreams of our tomorrows, and in the visions of our soul, inspiration stirs us to be better person.  Writers are always seeking inspiration for their work. Artists are inspiring one another with the sharing of their creations. As philosophical discussions bring out inspiring minds, so too a person may become inspired by reading, listening, and developing their creative side.  As a wise person once said, inspiration may be where you least expect it.  Always be on the lookout for those discoveries which inspire. Be a source of inspiration to others who may follow. Most of all, never give up on those dreams. The next inspiration may be waiting just around the corner.


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