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Life lessons learned from Disney movie ‘Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang’

Seems like a strange comparison to have life lessons learned from a Disney movie. As a kid, I watched the movie, “Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang” featuring Dick Van Dyke, many, many times. It’s one of my favorites. As a parent, I watched it with my children, then again with my grandchildren.

I still know most of the songs. They are expressed in my heart.

Dick Van Dyke is incredible in this Disney feature. He sings, dances, amuses, and plays a loving father to his two young children. Everything he does in this film reminds me of my own father. Perhaps that is why I love the movie so much.

Image via Wikipedia

Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang is about a story of champion race car. Sitting in a junkyard about to be demolished, the two children plead to their daddy to buy it and fix it up.

“Daddy” is quite an inventor. Mr. Van Dyke’s character, Caractacus Potts, creates inventions using his imagination.

Imagination takes flight. Dreams come true. Believing in the possibility to turn your dreams into reality, this movie has all the elements of creativity, personality, and inspiration.

A fairytale romance occurs when Potts meets Truly Scrumptious.

The music tells as much of the story as the plot behind it. Potts is a widow. He finds love again. Without retelling the entire story, allow me to strike some life lesson comparisons.

Inventor Potts loves his children. He will do anything for them. He will join a circus, make inventions to entertain them, and rebuild a car for them to play in. Potts is a dedicated father.

Five Lessons Learned from Van Dyke’s character:

  1. Fathers make a great impact on their children. They will sacrifice their own ambitions and do whatever it takes for their children. Fathers leave a lasting impression.
  2. Creativity can strike anywhere, at any place, and at anytime. Potts became a life-size toy puppet to save his children. He took great risks, ultimately saving all the children. In one misty moment, he sang, “Hushabye Mountain” to the children prisoners, giving them hope.
  3. Fathers provide hope and inspire their children. They are storytellers and inventors.
  4. Dreamers are found in the most commonplaces. A dreamer is one who finds his way in the moonlight. He wears his heart on his sleeve yet he is not transparent. Potts was a dreamer.
  5. He believes in something greater than himself and he dares to make a difference. He believed in his inventions. When something went wrong, he didn’t give up, he went back to the drawing board.

In essence, Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang is a family musical. However in retrospect it’s about life.

Watch the movie, listen to the songs. Feel the fear, the wonderment, and the inspiration of being different, of being great.

About faithdream

Writer at heart. With faith and understanding, the butterfly represents transformation. I'm in a season of change that has opened my soul to the beauty around me. I'm living my Faith Dream & it's amazing.


2 thoughts on “Life lessons learned from Disney movie ‘Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang’

  1. Essays like this are so important to braodnneig people’s horizons.

    Posted by Hallie | November 2, 3:18 pm


  1. Pingback: Don’t Stress, Relax…Think Chitty Chitty Bang! Bang! | Tasithoughts's Weblog - February 3

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