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Finding your Passion and Fulfilling it with Purpose

Finding your passion in life fulfills your purpose in life. What does it take?

You make up your mind to fulfill your dreams. You start right where you are and you can overcome any obstacle you might be facing. Taking a step in faith to begin with thoughtful reflection, you can find your passion.

God gives everyone talents. What you love to do, what you are good at doing becomes your talent. Do some things come easy for you? Those talents that you find are part of your nature are the seeds which grow and blossom the fruits in your life.

How are you developing your skills and talents?  Are you practicing and fine tuning those talents? Don’t give up on all that you are supposed to be. For everything happens on purpose and every life has been designed to fulfill a specific purpose.

by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Reflect on your life. When were you happiest? Did it involve others? Were you doing something you loved to do? People tend to overlook little things in life. Taking for granted the people and experiences you have encountered unable to recognize the true gifts of your life.

In the times you are doing what you love to do, you are finding joy in fulfilling your purpose. Look out for opportunities to use those talents and live the life you were destined to have.

Live in the Word of God. Read the scriptures daily. Your eyes will behold His glory and you become sensitive to His nature. Feeding your spirit with inspirational messages and opening your heart to receive the message, enriches your purpose.

In Faith, you find your purpose. Believing you are here for a reason, you can let go of those negative thoughts. Release those fears and grab hold of your passion. For if you walk in the Spirit of God, you will not be afraid. Let God work in your life and He will show you how to be the person you were always meant to be.

Enjoy the discovery. Fulfill your purpose by finding your passion.

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About faithdream

Writer at heart. With faith and understanding, the butterfly represents transformation. I'm in a season of change that has opened my soul to the beauty around me. I'm living my Faith Dream & it's amazing.


11 thoughts on “Finding your Passion and Fulfilling it with Purpose

  1. Why then is it so difficult to develop these skills and passions into something more than a passing hobby?

    Posted by Todd Fitchette | June 13, 12:30 pm
    • You bring up an excellant point. Personally I think that it’s in building your character. Developing the skills and passion into something more takes determination, great faith, and courage. I have found that all these things happen in due time. Not in our time, but in God’s time, in His perfect will.

      For the desires you have in your heart, the dreams you wish to obtain, were put there by God. He gave you those dreams to serve His great kingdom. Personal reflection needs to be considered and an internal look within your heart reveals more than anything you can see on the surface.

      This is how I look at it. If He is leading me and steering me, then I just need to keep my focus on Him. Thanks for your comment.

      Posted by faithdream | June 13, 4:20 pm
  2. God also takes away 😦 I used to play the classical guitar. IT was my passion and my life. A stupid injury to my hand meant I could no longer play…I’ve found other things in life but nothing as fulfilling…what was God trying to say to me Faith because I am at a loss…

    Posted by Piglet in Portugal | June 17, 1:53 am
    • PiP, I’m sorry about your loss in doing what you loved to do. I do not know why God “takes away” as you say, but maybe there’s another message here that He is trying to communicate to you. For I do not know God’s reasons and as He has said, His ways are not our ways. But I do believe he puts desires in our hearts, like your passion for playing guitar.

      I was in a car accident and broke my wrist. I spent 6 weeks in a cast and another 5 months in physical therapy. It was during a time when I cared for my ailing mother who had just suffered a stroke. We were moving two households while I had to care for her daily needs. Without the use of my hand, I felt frustrated and very confused. It was a lesson in pride for me. It took a lot of endurance and determination to overcome those obstacles but now that I’m on the other side, I see how God built my character.

      I know this experience is not the same as yours but it just goes to show that God uses situations in life to build your character. Is there something God was trying to tell you? Maybe look at this in another way? Can you use what you know to teach someone else?

      God took all my inabilities, my weaknesses, and built my character, so I could one day write. This is my passion and He uncovered it when I was in my darkest hour.

      Posted by faithdream | June 17, 10:51 am
    • Here’s a thought that I came up with the other day in response to a situation I find myself in: what does God want me to learn through this period? Is it simply patience I’m supposed to learn or something more profound?
      I don’t know. But I’m still searching.

      Posted by Todd Fitchette | June 17, 2:37 pm


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