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Life, Looking for Encouragement

Living Out Your Passions and Finding True Happiness

Today’s teaching is about living out your passions. It’s about finding your happiness in the midst of your daily routines.

“A lot of people start off asking the important questions of life: “Who am I? Where am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? Does my life have meaning? Is there a purpose? What is the significance of it all?’ These are important questions,” says Pastor Rick Warren. “But if you don’t keep seeking the answers, pretty soon you get distracted by other things, even important things, like your career or education. But when people do that, they have trouble getting back on the journey. Many people spend the rest of their lives missing the very purpose they were created for.”

Pastor Rick Warren’s teaching is so relevant to the seeker as well as the believer. All of us have a purpose for which we were created. Our passions are dwelling inside us and until we acknowledge that, we will continue seeking a life that has no meaning.

20131204-063305.jpgOur passions are what make us. It’s the depths of our lives. If you want to find true happiness you’ll want to start with what you’re passionate about. What makes you tick? Who are you? What gets you out of bed in the morning?

Do you have those Monday morning blues? Perhaps you haven’t found your passion. Perhaps you feel stuck. Relive the days of your youth. Go back to a time in your life when you were excited about something.

Reflect on a season in your life when you were happy. Remember the good times? Do you hear the laughter of those yesterdays? Where were you? What were you doing? Who were you with? Deep down inside all of us we ache for that. Our hearts yearn to be accepted. Our minds drift off to memories of good and bad times. But for whatever reason we get stuck in the bad times. Those ugly memories that hurt us or made us feel insignificant. We all want to be loved. We want to be happy, don’t we? Well what is stopping you from finding what you’re passionate about?

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Matthew 6:34 NLT). Jesus once told His disciples, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Reverend Billy Graham said in one of his sermons those “things” Jesus spoke of are our basic needs. “The things that make us feel happy and secure—food, drink, clothes, shelter. He told us not to make these the chief goal of our lives but to “seek the kingdom” and these needs would be automatically supplied. There, if we will take it, is the secret of happiness.”

Graham reminds us of an inscription King George V wrote on the flyleaf of the Bible of a friend, “The secret of happiness is not to do what you like to do, but to learn to like what you have to do.”

Find what you’re passionate about and make it a goal in your life to live out your passion. Do you know what your gifts are? Everyone has them. The happiest are those who are living out their passions using their God-given gifts to make a difference. You have a purpose. If you haven’t discovered it yet, don’t stop seeking. Find a place where you can thrive. Relive the days of your youth if you have to, but by all means, discover your passion and outlive your life.

About faithdream

Writer at heart. With faith and understanding, the butterfly represents transformation. I'm in a season of change that has opened my soul to the beauty around me. I'm living my Faith Dream & it's amazing.


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