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Monday’s Message-Living the Dream

Having a passion in something then realizing it exceeds all our expectations. We all want to say we are living the dream but what does that really mean? Pursuing a passion in life so we can finally be happy may actually let us down. For wherever your heart is, your mind will also be. Focusing on the winds of change, winning the heart of deal, we strive to achieve success. 

Living the dream and believing in the impossible, all with a single motivation, to reach our goals. While reality is rethinking of your dreams, opening God’s will for your life identifies your purpose. Answering the call is expected. If we choose to not adhere to this calling then who are we, after all?

Borrowing time we rush into situations that distress us. Looking back one day you might ask yourself, “how did I end up here?” We are tested and we ask ourselves, why did this happen to me? We want results; we want to understand.  

Valuable lessons are instructions in life that teach us the paradox. What we believe is important but placing our treasures in a material belief that if we obtain something more, we become disheartened. 

We believe we would be content if we lived here, or worked there, and on it goes. We can’t all live in those castles in the sky dripping with success. 

Having a faith in God that He will do what He promised, we should never settle. Our circumstances show our fate. These indicators give us probability to our behavior. So if you have an unsettling in your heart, God may be stirring your soul, to make a change. 

Passing the test and in God’s timing, He will give you the desires of your heart. Living the dream is possible, reserving our expectations, and balancing the things that occur in life, we finally see what we need.  

Take another look, give it another chance, you might already be living the dream.

Next week, Motivating Message Mondays, “Bring it on”

About faithdream

Writer at heart. With faith and understanding, the butterfly represents transformation. I'm in a season of change that has opened my soul to the beauty around me. I'm living my Faith Dream & it's amazing.


3 thoughts on “Monday’s Message-Living the Dream

  1. Living the dream is possible but sometimes you have to make sacrifices to do so.

    I do love reading your blog your words just flow…

    Posted by Piglet in Portugal | January 25, 4:01 pm
  2. Thanks for your kind words of encouragement. I agree that sometimes living the dream will require sacrifice.

    Posted by faithdream | January 25, 4:55 pm
  3. Thanks so much for this. I especially love the last line. Very hopeful ,thank you.

    Posted by heather grace stewart | January 26, 8:32 am

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